Deducting a Loss from an Airbnb

Deducting a Loss from an Airbnb Bedroom Rental

Can I Deduct a Rental Loss on my Airbnb Rental?

My tax professional tells me that I cannot deduct a rental loss on my Airbnb rental. She says the Morcos case limits my expenses to the amount of my rental income.

My Airbnb rental is a full bedroom and bath, accessible from a separate entrance. I had the rental in place for six months during the year 2023 with the first listing on July 1. I rented it seven times during the year for a total of 25 days.

We have no personal use of the Airbnb bedroom. The sole purpose of that Airbnb bedroom is rental.

I read the Morcos case, and it did not seem to apply to me.

Question: Can I Deduct a Rental Loss on My Airbnb Rental

Do you think I can deduct all the bedroom expenses against the rental income and show a deductible rental loss for the year?

Answer: You Can Deduct Your Rental Expenses Against Your Rental Income

Yes, based on your circumstance, you can deduct all of your rental expenses against your rental income and also deduct the rental loss against your other income.

The Morcos case does not apply to you. The court decided this case on the basis of “long-term boarders such as students.”

You rented your bedroom as if it were a hotel room to what the tax code calls “transients.” Here are four technical points:

1. You used the bedroom as a hotel unit because it was regularly available on Airbnb for occupancy by paying customers and never used for any personal purpose once converted to rental use on July 1.
2. Your average rental period of 3.57 days (25 ÷ 7) means that your bedroom qualifies as a hotel room because you rented the bedroom to transients.
3. Your Airbnb unit is not a tax code–defined rental property because the average period of customer use of the unit is for seven days or less.
4. You did all the work on the bedroom rental, and no other person helped you. Therefore, you materially participated in the hotel unit rental activity.

Conclusion: Airbnb Rental Expenses

You rented your bedroom as if it were a hotel and materially participated in the rental. Assuming you were in this activity to make a profit, you qualify to deduct all of your expenses of rental against the rental income. If that creates a loss, you deduct the loss against all your other income.

For more information about airbnb deductions contact Ken-Mar Tax.

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