professional gambling tax strategies

Tax Court Ruling to Give Professional Gamblers Tax Breaks

If you gamble, take a bow and say thank you to Ronald A. Mayo, who took his gambling case to the Tax Court and won a big, precedent-setting victory for gamblers. Before getting to Mr. Mayo’s accomplishments, note that there are two types of gamblers: 1. Hobby Gamblers - those who participate in gambling for...Continue reading

gambling tax laws

Gambling Tax Laws

For this tax season, 2024, we have seen an increase in inquiries about gambling tax laws. With interest in writing off gambling losses, claiming gambling winnings and general questions about tax rules when it comes to gambling. See our recent posts, Can I Write Off My Gambling Losses? and When Do I Report Gambling Winnings...Continue reading

shutting down your S corporation

Tax Tips for Shutting Down Your S Corporation

As you consider the process of shutting down your S corporation, it is crucial to understand the federal income tax implications that come with it. Here, I outline the tax basics for the corporation and its shareholders under two common scenarios: stock sale and asset sale with liquidation. Shutting Down Your S Corporation Scenario 1:...Continue reading

Real Estate Investments and Rentals

Tax Strategies to Increase Profits on Real Estate Investments and Rentals

Real estate options and leases with purchase options can enhance your real estate investments profits. Here’s a concise guide to help you navigate the potential pitfalls and maximize your returns. Real Estate Investments: Stand-Alone Purchase Option A stand-alone purchase option can be highly profitable. Here’s how it works: Immediate cash. You receive cash up front...Continue reading

dirty dozen

IRS Dirty Dozen List: Triggers IRS Scrutiny

For over 20 years, the IRS has issued an annual Dirty Dozen list identifying tax scams and avoidance schemes. This year’s list includes everything from employee retention credit claims to the use of fake charities. Before you invest your hard-earned money in these or other highly promoted tax schemes, you should check the IRS Dirty...Continue reading

Vehicle Tax Deductions for 2023

Last-Minute Purchases to Maximize 2023 Vehicle Tax Deductions

Looking to maximize your vehicle tax deductions for 2023 and wondering if there's still time? - Do you need a replacement business car, SUV, van, or pickup truck? - Do you need tax deductions this year? - Do you need a tax credit to offset what you owe to the IRS? 2023 Tax Credits /...

2023 Tax Strategies

Last-Minute: 2023 Tax Strategies for Marriage, Kids, and Family

It's not too late to consider 2023 tax strategies. Are you thinking of getting married or divorced? If so, consider December 31, 2023, in your tax planning. Here’s another planning question: Do you give money to family or friends (other than your children, who are subject to the kiddie tax)? If so, you need to consider...Continue reading

Filing Form 8275

When to File Form 8275 to Avoid Penalties

Form 8275 is filed to disclose all types of tax positions.  When you're considering taking an aggressive position on your tax return that could result in a substantial tax reduction, but you're worried about having to pay a penalty, talk with Ken-Mar Tax for a free consultation. As an Enrolled Agent, Ken Weinberg is up-to-date...Continue reading

Airbnb Rental Income and Self-Employment Tax

Do I Need to Pay Self-Employment Tax on Airbnb Rental Income?

In Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) 202151005, the IRS opined on this issue. But before we get to what the IRS said, understand that the CCA’s conclusions cannot be cited as precedent or authority by others, such as you or your tax professional. Even so, we always consider what the CCA says as semi-useful information, so here’s some...Continue reading

self-employed tax expert Cleveland

When Do I Have to Pay Self-Employment Taxes?

What Are Self-Employment Taxes? Do I Pay Them? Self-employment taxes are to individual business owners what payroll taxes are to employers and employees. They fund Social Security and Medicare.  All individuals with self-employment income must pay self-employment taxes, regardless of their age. When business owners reach retirement age, they’ll be able to collect Social Security...Continue reading

Landlords Tax Reduction Cleveland

Landlords and Business Owners: New Law Improves Energy Tax Benefits

Landlords and small business owners should know the newly enacted Inflation Reduction Act contains tax credits and depreciation benefits for owners of commercial property and residential rental property.  As a Cleveland landlord, or small business owner, if you implement various types of renewable energy improvements, you can qualify for hefty tax credits or deductions.  One...Continue reading

home office deduction for pool table

Home-Office Deduction: What if I Have a Pool Table in the Office?

Home-Office Deduction Question: I heard that if I had an office in my home and in that home-office room I had a pool table, I could simply subtract the amount of square footage that the pool table takes up from the square footage of the office. I do have a pool table, and I actually...Continue reading

electrical vehicle tax deductions

New Business Tax Credits for Buying Electric Vehicles

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 amended the Clean Vehicle Credit, and added a new requirement for final assembly in North America that took effect on August 17, 2022.  Three major things to know about this new law when it relates to tax planning for your business and buying an electric vehicle: 1.The existing electric vehicle...

paying daughter as small business owner

Q&A: Should I Pay My Daughter by W-2 or 1099?

Question from a Cleveland small business owner: How do I pay my daughter? I will hire my 15-year-old daughter to work in my single-member LLC business, and I expect to pay her about $12,000 this year. Do I pay her through payroll checks and file a W-2? W-2 Payment is Important When Paying Your Daughter...Continue reading

work from home tax benefits Cleveland

Work From Home Tax Benefits in Cleveland Area

Do you live in the Cleveland area and work from home? If so, you should be aware of the many work from home tax benefits. Aside from potential home office deductions and other write-offs routinely claimed by the self-employed (see "Tax Reduction Strategies for the Self-Employed"), a huge benefit could depend on comparing the Municipal...Continue reading

Cleveland Tax Expert for Self Employed

2021 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Strategies for Marriage, Kids, and Family

Our specialty at Ken-Mar Tax is to provide our tax preparation clients with tax strategies that will legally reduce their tax obligations. As an IRS enrolled agent, Ken Weinberg keeps up-to-date about all the IRS tax codes in order to use them to your advantage. Tax Strategies for Getting Married, Divorced, Staying Single, Adding Your...Continue reading

best tax guy in BNI

2021 Last-Minute Year-End General Business Income Tax Deductions

As tax-reduction strategy specialists for the self-employed, at Ken-Mar Tax we specialize in working with local, Cleveland area, small business owners, contractors and solopreneurs. We know, at this time of year, your goal is to either eliminate, or at least reduce, the taxes you’ll owe – or better yet, get the IRS to owe you!...Continue reading

1099-NEC or 1099-MISC

Beginning 2020 IRS Requires 1099-NEC Instead of 1099-MISC

What is Form 1099-NEC? Starting with the 2020 tax year, the IRS requires businesses to use the new Form 1099-NEC to report nonemployee compensation – not Form 1099-MISC, which was previously used. Filing Taxes With a 1099-NEC If you are self-employed and receiving any type of 1099 forms, you should be using a tax preparation...

Business Tax Deductions Expert Cleveland

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Made Changes to Business Deductions

As our Ken-Mar Tax clients know, we pride ourselves on maximizing tax deductions for the self-employed – which is why so many of our customers are real estate agents, small business owners and W-2ed employees with “side-hustles” like ride-sharing with Uber or Lyft, selling hand-made crafts on etsy or re-selling on Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark or...Continue reading

Cleveland IRS Tax Attorney Enrolled Agent

IRS 5-Year Improvement Plan; Enrolled Agents or Cleveland Tax Attorneys?

Enrolled Agents of IRS Cleveland Given Details of 5-Year Plan Recently the enrolled agents of Ken-Mar Tax have been notified of the large-scale effort of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to increase their workforce and update their technology in order to help enforce the implementation of new tax laws. A recent article in the Government...Continue reading

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