Shutting Down Sole Proprietorship

What Are the Tax Implications of Shutting Down a Sole Proprietorship?

As you consider shutting down your sole proprietorship or your single-member LLC treated as a sole proprietorship for tax purposes, it’s crucial to understand the tax implications of this decision. Here’s an overview of key points you need to consider. Sole Proprietorship Asset Sale Tax Implications When you sell a sole proprietorship, you sell its...Continue reading

Vehicle Tax Deductions for 2023

Last-Minute Purchases to Maximize 2023 Vehicle Tax Deductions

Looking to maximize your vehicle tax deductions for 2023 and wondering if there's still time? - Do you need a replacement business car, SUV, van, or pickup truck? - Do you need tax deductions this year? - Do you need a tax credit to offset what you owe to the IRS? 2023 Tax Credits /...

work from home tax benefits Cleveland

Work From Home Tax Benefits in Cleveland Area

Do you live in the Cleveland area and work from home? If so, you should be aware of the many work from home tax benefits. Aside from potential home office deductions and other write-offs routinely claimed by the self-employed (see "Tax Reduction Strategies for the Self-Employed"), a huge benefit could depend on comparing the Municipal...Continue reading

Business Tax Deductions Expert Cleveland

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Made Changes to Business Deductions

As our Ken-Mar Tax clients know, we pride ourselves on maximizing tax deductions for the self-employed – which is why so many of our customers are real estate agents, small business owners and W-2ed employees with “side-hustles” like ride-sharing with Uber or Lyft, selling hand-made crafts on etsy or re-selling on Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark or...Continue reading

Cleveland IRS Tax Attorney Enrolled Agent

IRS 5-Year Improvement Plan; Enrolled Agents or Cleveland Tax Attorneys?

Enrolled Agents of IRS Cleveland Given Details of 5-Year Plan Recently the enrolled agents of Ken-Mar Tax have been notified of the large-scale effort of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to increase their workforce and update their technology in order to help enforce the implementation of new tax laws. A recent article in the Government...Continue reading

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