shutting down your S corporation

Tax Tips for Shutting Down Your S Corporation

As you consider the process of shutting down your S corporation, it is crucial to understand the federal income tax implications that come with it. Here, I outline the tax basics for the corporation and its shareholders under two common scenarios: stock sale and asset sale with liquidation. Shutting Down Your S Corporation Scenario 1:...Continue reading


What is the Best Structure for My Business?

What is the best structure for my business? Use this chart to help determine how best to structure your business. Are you a business owner or entrepreneur trying to decide which entity structure is the best fit for your needs? Navigating the complex landscape of business entities can be challenging, so we provide this Business...Continue reading

Home Office Deduction as a Corporation

Will Your Home Office Deduction Pass the Muster in an IRS Audit or Raise Red Flags?

With more people working from home, one has to wonder if the home-office deductions on tax returns are out of control or warranted. Will the IRS be scrutinizing home office deductions and what do they look for. In short, will your home office deduction pass in an IRS audit or will it raise red flags?...Continue reading

Deduct a Home Office

Can You Deduct a Home Office if You Have Another Office Outside the Home?

Question: Can you deduct a home office if you also have a non-home office? Answer: Yes! As the tax reduction specialists for the self-employed we navigate through the home office deduction issues regularly.  We know what the IRS looks for and what you will not get away with. SO let's make sure your tax reduction...Continue reading

self-employed tax expert Cleveland

When Do I Have to Pay Self-Employment Taxes?

What Are Self-Employment Taxes? Do I Pay Them? Self-employment taxes are to individual business owners what payroll taxes are to employers and employees. They fund Social Security and Medicare.  All individuals with self-employment income must pay self-employment taxes, regardless of their age. When business owners reach retirement age, they’ll be able to collect Social Security...Continue reading

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