professional gambling tax strategies

Tax Court Ruling to Give Professional Gamblers Tax Breaks

If you gamble, take a bow and say thank you to Ronald A. Mayo, who took his gambling case to the Tax Court and won a big, precedent-setting victory for gamblers. Before getting to Mr. Mayo’s accomplishments, note that there are two types of gamblers: 1. Hobby Gamblers - those who participate in gambling for...Continue reading

dirty dozen

IRS Dirty Dozen List: Triggers IRS Scrutiny

For over 20 years, the IRS has issued an annual Dirty Dozen list identifying tax scams and avoidance schemes. This year’s list includes everything from employee retention credit claims to the use of fake charities. Before you invest your hard-earned money in these or other highly promoted tax schemes, you should check the IRS Dirty...Continue reading

Vehicle Tax Deductions for 2023

Last-Minute Purchases to Maximize 2023 Vehicle Tax Deductions

Looking to maximize your vehicle tax deductions for 2023 and wondering if there's still time? - Do you need a replacement business car, SUV, van, or pickup truck? - Do you need tax deductions this year? - Do you need a tax credit to offset what you owe to the IRS? 2023 Tax Credits /...

2023 Tax Strategies

Last-Minute: 2023 Tax Strategies for Marriage, Kids, and Family

It's not too late to consider 2023 tax strategies. Are you thinking of getting married or divorced? If so, consider December 31, 2023, in your tax planning. Here’s another planning question: Do you give money to family or friends (other than your children, who are subject to the kiddie tax)? If so, you need to consider...Continue reading

Writing Off More Than One Vehicle

Can You Write off More Than One Vehicle?

Are you hoping to write off more than one vehicle and have been told you can't? Contrary to popular belief, the IRS does not limit business owners to claiming deductions on only one business vehicle. When Should You Write Off More Than One Vehicle? You might maximize tax benefits by using multiple vehicles for business...Continue reading

Filing Form 8275

When to File Form 8275 to Avoid Penalties

Form 8275 is filed to disclose all types of tax positions.  When you're considering taking an aggressive position on your tax return that could result in a substantial tax reduction, but you're worried about having to pay a penalty, talk with Ken-Mar Tax for a free consultation. As an Enrolled Agent, Ken Weinberg is up-to-date...Continue reading

Home-Office Deductions for Orthodontist

Home-Office Deductions for Orthodontists

Q&A: Home-Office Deduction for Orthodontist Question: Bob, an orthodontist, wants to claim a home-office deduction.  His employees and contractors do the billing and accounting for his practice. Bob and his wife (who is an employee) do payroll once a month in the home office.  Bob’s primary use of the home office is preparing treatment plans...Continue reading

work from home tax benefits Cleveland

Work From Home Tax Benefits in Cleveland Area

Do you live in the Cleveland area and work from home? If so, you should be aware of the many work from home tax benefits. Aside from potential home office deductions and other write-offs routinely claimed by the self-employed (see "Tax Reduction Strategies for the Self-Employed"), a huge benefit could depend on comparing the Municipal...Continue reading

Cleveland Tax Expert for Self Employed

2021 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Strategies for Marriage, Kids, and Family

Our specialty at Ken-Mar Tax is to provide our tax preparation clients with tax strategies that will legally reduce their tax obligations. As an IRS enrolled agent, Ken Weinberg keeps up-to-date about all the IRS tax codes in order to use them to your advantage. Tax Strategies for Getting Married, Divorced, Staying Single, Adding Your...Continue reading

Business Tax Deductions Expert Cleveland

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Made Changes to Business Deductions

As our Ken-Mar Tax clients know, we pride ourselves on maximizing tax deductions for the self-employed – which is why so many of our customers are real estate agents, small business owners and W-2ed employees with “side-hustles” like ride-sharing with Uber or Lyft, selling hand-made crafts on etsy or re-selling on Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark or...Continue reading

1099 Tax PreparationCLeveland

1099 Forms – How to File if You Get One and When You Should Be Giving Them

There are many conflicting opinions you’ll read on line and get from CPAs and tax preparation specialists about when to file a 1099 as a business and how to prepare your taxes as an individual receiving a 1099 Form.  As an enrolled agent Ken Weinberg attends hours of continuing education regarding the tax code, is...Continue reading

tax deductible business espenses

Reduce Taxable Income with these Business Expenses to Claim on Your Taxes

At Ken-Mar Tax we specialize in tax reduction strategies for the self-employed because after decades of studying the tax code, working with the IRS and preparing tax returns for self-employed individuals we realize there are still many business expenses that get forgotten when filing taxes.  One thing we do to help our clients is equip...Continue reading

Filing taxes Cleveland

Tax Filing Procrastinators Welcomed at Ken-Mar Tax

We obviously advocate being proactive rather than reactive but we also understand when life, schedules, apprehension and other issues become obstacles to your tax planning. What we don’t understand is the mentality that somehow your taxes will take care of themselves.  They won’t. The taxes you owe won’t pay themselves and the tax refund you...Continue reading

Cleveland area tax preparation firm wins Super Service Award

Ken-Mar Tax Earns Esteemed 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award

Ken-Mar Tax is Proud to Announce Receipt of  the 2015 Angie’s List Super Service Award Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service Ken-Mar Tax has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the local services marketplace and consumer review site in 2015....Continue reading

Cleveland Tax Preparation

Tax Preparation Checklist: 5 Key Components to a Faster Tax Filing

Moving away from using TurboTax®, HR Block® or some other DIY tax software this year and getting your taxes prepared by a local Cleveland area tax professional? Good! You’ll be glad you did. Just make sure not to fall for any of these myths when choosing a tax preparation service outlined in our post “It’s...Continue reading

Cleveland Tax Preparation

It’s Tax Season. Don’t Fall for these Tax Preparation Myths.

With January’s soon arrival, tax preparation advertising is sure to be in full-swing.  Clearly, as tax professionals and enrolled agents for many decades, the team at Ken-Mar tax is especially irritated by the companies and marketing campaigns that project these myths to be true, so we decided it’s time to dispel some of the marketing gimmicks...Continue reading

Cleveland Tax Strategies

Last-minute 2015 Tax Strategies for Individual Tax Obligations

With 2015 quickly coming to an end, did you know there is still time to implement some individual tax strategies that can reduce your tax bill?  If you’re looking for a few things that can be done to impact your 2015 tax return, we’ve compiled a quick list: 1. Prepay your child’s college tuition. Prepaying college tuition...Continue reading

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